Photo 101, Day Five: Solitude & the “Rule of Thirds”

First I hope I got the “rule of thirds” correct. This was another challenging topic for me. Living in a city it can be hard to find solitude, especially without roaming the town looking for it (something I am just not up to). My first thoughts on solitude went to the mountains, again, or my mother-in-laws farm. Neither were an option, at least not today. So I gave it some serious thought and came up with this:

Solitude in the trailer park.

I am sure I have people wondering what this has to do with solitude. It has to do with my solitude. I can find solitude anywhere I am by putting on my headphones and playing my playlist on my Iphone. I easily get lost in the music that is playing in my head. When I can’t be in the mountains or nature in general to restore my energy I turn to music. I also use it to work things out.

On a side note: today I entered an art contest for Solitude and then later in the day I saw the subject for today. I could have used the pictures I used for the contest (they definitely showed solitude), but I want to go out and put the lesson part of each day to use.

Here are the photos that I submitted for the art contest:


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